Categorías: Internacionales

Suspensión temporal de aranceles a México y Canadá por Trump

Y, en tercer lugar, puede ser una herramienta poderosa para forzar cambios de comportamiento en nuestros socios comerciales».

El caso de Canadá

En el caso de Canadá, el primer ministro Justin Trudeau celebró la decisión de Trump de suspender temporalmente los aranceles impuestos a su país.

«Canadá es un socio comercial clave para Estados Unidos y las medidas anunciadas por el presidente Trump demuestran la importancia de la relación entre nuestros dos países», expresó Trudeau en un comunicado.

Trudeau también destacó la importancia de mantener una relación comercial sólida y armoniosa entre Estados Unidos y Canadá, especialmente en un momento en el que la economía global se ve afectada por la crisis en Ucrania y la pandemia de COVID-19.

En resumen, la decisión de Trump de suspender temporalmente los aranceles impuestos a México y Canadá es un paso positivo hacia la estabilización de las relaciones comerciales entre estos países. La colaboración y el diálogo entre los líderes de los tres países han sido clave para llegar a este acuerdo y se espera que se mantenga en el futuro para seguir fortaleciendo los lazos comerciales y económicos en la región.

Donald Trump announced on Thursday that the U.S. is temporarily halting most of the tariffs he imposed on Mexico and Canada two days earlier.

The decision regarding Mexico was announced by the president on his Truth Social platform and came after a conversation with his Mexican counterpart, Claudia Sheinbaum. Hours later, the White House announced that the same terms would apply to Canada as well.

The suspension agreement for both countries will remain in place until April 2nd.

According to Trump, Mexico has been cooperating with the U.S. in its efforts to control irregular migration at their shared border, as well as to stop the fentanyl crisis.

“Our relationship has been very good, and we are working hard together at the border, both to prevent irregular immigrants from entering the U.S. and to stop fentanyl. Thank you to President Sheinbaum for her hard work and cooperation!” Trump wrote.

Shortly after, Sheinbaum posted a message on the X network that echoed the same sentiment:

“Thank you very much to President Donald Trump. We had an excellent and respectful call in which we agreed that our work and collaboration have yielded unprecedented results, within the framework of respect for our sovereignties. We will continue working together, particularly on migration and security issues, including reducing illegal fentanyl crossing into the United States, as well as weapons into Mexico,” she stated.

“As President Trump mentioned, Mexico will not be required to pay tariffs on all products within the USMCA. This agreement is until April 2, when the United States will announce reciprocal tariffs for all countries,” added the Mexican president.

Regarding Canada, White House officials confirmed that the neighboring country would also be exempt from taxes on exports included in the USMCA.

Both executive orders have just been signed by the president in the Oval Office and are titled “Amendments to obligations to address the flow of illicit drugs through our northern border” and “Amendments to obligations to address the flow of illicit drugs through our southern border.”

Regarding what prompted Trump to change his mind, White House officials say it was due to promises made by automakers to begin moving their supply chains back to the U.S.

It was also partly due to the work both countries have done to demonstrate their commitment to reducing fentanyl-related deaths.

However, tariffs on aluminum and steel imports to his country scheduled for next week are still in place.

The U.S. president imposed a 25% tariff on Mexican and Canadian imports, as well as a 20% tariff on Chinese products last Tuesday.

That decision by the U.S. government sent financial markets into a downward spiral.

Canada and China announced immediate similar actions against the U.S., but Mexico decided to wait several days to engage in negotiations with its northern neighbor.

This latest move is the second backtrack in two days by Trump concerning tariffs.

On Wednesday, the White House said it would temporarily exempt automakers from the 25% import tax.

Additionally, Howard Lutnick, U.S. Commerce Secretary, told CNBC on Thursday that the temporary exemption of tariffs for imports of auto parts from Canada and Mexico could be extended to all products under the trilateral trade agreement.

The 34 chapters of the treaty, renewed during Trump’s first term, cover, among other things, automobiles, dairy products, wood, and financial services.

The agreement includes a review every six years.

Sheinbaum does not expect any more tariffs

Sheinbaum stated that, in the call with Trump on Thursday, the U.S. president had intended to maintain the tariffs that came into effect on Tuesday, but he presented an alternative during the conversation.

According to the president, the U.S. will include Mexico “in a different review of reciprocal tariffs” in which the Trump administration will impose tariffs on all countries worldwide that have import taxes on American products.

“In the case of Mexico, practically everything is tariff-free. We don’t charge them tariffs, and they don’t charge us tariffs. So, when he sets it for April 2, he is putting Mexico in that framework of reciprocal tariffs,” Sheinbaum explained at a press conference.

“April 2 is no longer a date like February or March, where [tariffs would only be imposed] on Canada, Mexico, and China. On April 2, the whole world will be in that situation. Mexico, by not charging tariffs to the U.S., the reciprocal relationship is that they don’t charge us tariffs,” she asserted.

However, this proposal was not mentioned by Trump in his announcement of tariff suspension.

Nevertheless, U.S. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent suggested that a series of trade negotiations with countries around the world on “reciprocal” tariffs is on the horizon.

At the Economic Club of New York, Bessent explained that Trump aims to reshape international trade relations through tariffs with an “aggressive campaign to rebalance the international economic system.”

“The American dream is rooted in the concept that any citizen can achieve prosperity, upward mobility, and economic security. For too long, the architects of multilateral trade agreements have lost sight of this,” he stated.

Using tariffs, he continued, would offer benefits on several fronts: “First, it is a good source of income. Second, it protects our important industries and their employees. And, third, it can be a powerful tool to force behavioral changes in our trading partners.”

The case of Canada

In the case of Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed Trump’s decision to temporarily suspend the tariffs imposed on his country.

“Canada is a key trading partner for the United States, and the measures announced by President Trump demonstrate the importance of the relationship between our two countries,” Trudeau said in a statement.

Trudeau also emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong and harmonious trade relationship between the United States and Canada, especially at a time when the global economy is being impacted by the crisis in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic.

In conclusion, Trump’s decision to temporarily suspend the tariffs imposed on Mexico and Canada is a positive step towards stabilizing trade relations between these countries. Collaboration and dialogue between the leaders of the three countries have been key to reaching this agreement, and it is expected to continue in the future to further strengthen commercial and economic ties in the region. ## Y tres, [Trump ha] añadido una tercera pata al taburete y la utiliza para negociar

El presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ha venido implementando una estrategia comercial que ha sacudido las bases del comercio internacional. Con su enfoque en la imposición de aranceles como herramienta para proteger la industria estadounidense y reequilibrar las relaciones comerciales con otros países, Trump ha desatado una serie de disputas y tensiones que han tenido repercusiones globales. En este sentido, la reciente inclusión de una tercera pata al taburete de las negociaciones comerciales ha generado aún más incertidumbre y preocupación en el escenario mundial.

### El caso de Canadá

Uno de los países que ha estado en el centro de la polémica con respecto a la política arancelaria de Trump es Canadá. El miércoles, el primer ministro canadiense, Justin Trudeau, sostuvo una conversación con el presidente estadounidense, pero lamentablemente no llegaron a un acuerdo. Trudeau afirmó entonces que los aranceles del 25% impuestos por Estados Unidos seguirían en vigor, afirmando que Canadá no retrocedería en sus represalias hasta que se levantaran los aranceles injustificados a las mercancías canadienses.

Sin embargo, el jueves, funcionarios de la Casa Blanca aseguraron que Canadá estaba incluido en la nueva pausa a los aranceles. A pesar de esto, Canadá no realizó un anuncio inmediato sobre qué ocurriría con los aranceles recíprocos que había impuesto. Por su parte, el primer ministro de Ontario, Doug Ford, confirmó que la provincia seguiría adelante con un arancel del 25% sobre la electricidad que proporciona a 1,5 millones de hogares y empresas en Nueva York, Michigan y Minnesota a partir del lunes.

La integración económica entre Estados Unidos y Canadá es profunda, con miles de millones de bienes cruzando sus fronteras diariamente. La introducción de aranceles ha desencadenado una guerra comercial no solo entre estos dos países, sino también con otros como China. Trump argumenta que los aranceles protegerán a la industria estadounidense y fomentarán la fabricación local, pero muchos economistas advierten que podrían resultar en un aumento de los precios para los consumidores estadounidenses.

Las empresas que importan productos o piezas son las que pagan los aranceles, lo que ha generado preocupación en muchas compañías estadounidenses debido a las complejas cadenas de suministro que comparten con México y Canadá. El Departamento de Comercio informó el jueves que las importaciones estadounidenses aumentaron en enero debido al temor por los aranceles, lo que contribuyó a un déficit comercial de más de US$130.000 millones y un aumento del 10% en las importaciones ese mes.

En resumen, la inclusión de una tercera pata al taburete de las negociaciones comerciales por parte de Trump ha generado un clima de incertidumbre y tensión en el escenario internacional. La implementación de aranceles como herramienta de negociación ha desatado una serie de conflictos comerciales que están afectando a múltiples países y sectores económicos. En un contexto de creciente proteccionismo y nacionalismo económico, es fundamental seguir de cerca la evolución de estas disputas comerciales y sus consecuencias a nivel global.

Con información de BBC Mundo.

El Vinotinto

Publicado por
El Vinotinto

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